Those who have documented their intention to provide a planned gift to Huntsville Hospital become members of the Heritage Society. Scroll down to view membership benefits.
For more information, please contact Lynne Berry.
Lyn Wiginton Aust
Lynne Berry
Diane and Jeff Brown
- Candy and John Burnett
- Debbie and Ron Carver
- Sandra L. Cepeda
Linda Chester
Paula Potter Cushman
- Sonia and William H. Davis
- Lonetta and George Dawson
- Donna and Bobby DeNeefe
- Angela and Ralph Drensek
- Marcia Dupree
- Melissa and Mike Edwards
- William Alexander Franklin
- Lisa and Steven Frey
- Audrey and Robert B. Gustafson
- Shirley Hale
- Dorcas Harris
- Cieara Hitt and Jordan McTarsney
- Joyce and Bill Holbrook
- Dr. and Mrs. Joe (Kristi) Kelly
- Diana and Dave King
- Alice and Frederick Lanier
Lynn O. Lee
Catherine B. Matras
- Jo Anne and Ed McCormick
- Dr. Klaus Medenbach
- Lorna Mitchell
Mrs. Leonard. L. (Ila) Mitchum, Jr.
- Dr. and Mrs. Rony (Marti) Najjar
JoAnn Perez
Vickie Prentiss
- Andrea Rosler
- Sarah Savage-Jones
- Cindy and David Spillers
- Sally Upchurch
- Helen and Ed Vaughn
- Kimberly Wright
- Mary Lynne and Merrill D. Wright
- Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Baer
- Mary Elizabeth Kemmer Bartelson
- Penny Bashore
- William Garrett Bibb
- Jane Price Booth
- Elizabeth Lucas Brooks
- Dr. William Henry Burritt
- Ruth B. Camp
- Earline Carlisle
- Dorothy Chinn
- Lawrence B. Crowson, Jr.
- Mary Beasley Dean
- Rhoda deLoach
- James Derington
- John F. Fisher
- Charles Fletcher
- Horace Garth
- George H. Gesman
- Lula H. Glant
- Jim and Jeannine Glover
- Bettie Goldsmith
- Jewel Goldsmith
- Lawrence Goldsmith
- Susan Grosser
- Dr. Carl Grote, Jr.
- Margaret Jane Hanson
- Lurie Harrison
- Nancy Wayne Hendricks
- Leroy S. Heston
- Ellen Marie Hewett
- Arnold Hornbuckle
- Mabel Hornsby
- Eleanor Newman Hutchens
Ruby Sibley Jones
- Milton H. (Pete) Lanier
- Mary Lawler
Judy and Jim Link
- Vastus Ivy Cummings Lomas
- Oscar N. Maxwell, Jr.
- Mary Virginia McCormick
- Jim and Jeanne McCown
- Kimiko Ozawa Moore
- Everett C. Mosley
- Robert Murphree
- Neal and Esther Ninabuck
- Michael J. Norton
- David R. Odette
- Carrie Mastin O'Fallon
- Ruth Oliver
- John Martin and Carter O'Neal
- Molly H. Payne
- Helen Rose Ream
- Andrew Roy
- Velda Hollifield Sanders
- Mary Sedenquist
- Joyce Swan
- Mollie Teal
- Bernhard Tessman
- W. D. (Bill) Tucker
- Anne Cary Walker
- Rena Walsh
- Harry Webb
- Eleanor Janney Werden
- Donald Glinn Wilson
- Sophye Lowe Young
Click names in orange to learn more about their planned gifts!
Heritage Society member benefits include:
visit and gift from a Foundation team member when possible if you are hospitalized
membership card that provides free parking at Huntsville Hospital Main Visitor Garage and Huntsville Hospital for Women and Children West Lot and a gift shop discount
recognition on Heritage Society donor wall and on our website
complimentary confidential legacy planning consultation with an independent financial consultant
quarterly e-newsletter providing timely financial and planned giving information
invitation to an annual Heritage Society event and other Foundation special events
copy of Huntsville Hospital Foundation annual Donor Impact Report